About Me

Ever since I was a little girl I have loved to create beautiful things. Forty years later I haven’t stopped creating. I have tried every kind of artistic medium you could imagine! I MUST CREATE to be happy. It’s just how God made me. 🙂 So naturally, in college I majored in graphic design + painting. That is where I first started to create with words and discovered how WORDS MATTER and there is power in delivering words in a beautiful way.

For me, the jewelry is really not about the jewelry at all. It’s all about the words!! The jewelry is a delivery method for life-gifting, hope-filled WORDS. Because WORDS MATTER! My leather cuffs and stamped jewelry pieces are a way to wear words that remind you of Beautiful Truth your heart most needs to hear. I would love to have the opportunity to work with you to create a one-of-a-kind piece that will have great meaning to you. My hope is that each piece I create will be a blessing to the one who receives it… and they will feel loved.

I have been married for 25 years to Kevin and we have 4 amazing children! We have three boys and one girl. The two oldest are in college now and so our life at home is changing as the kids grow up! I opened my Etsy shop when they were all home and I was looking for a way to contribute to our family budget to help pay for things like little league and piano lessons. 🙂 Now it helps pay for books and college tuition!

One of the unexpected joys of this little business has been the opportunity it has given me to donate over $30,000 to organizations all over the world doing life giving work with the most vulnerable of God’s children. To learn more visit my giving back page.

– Lisa McKenney
Owner + Designer + Dreamer