Giving Back


A heart to give...

One of the unexpected joys of my business has been the opportunity it has given me to donate to organizations that are doing life changing work in the lives of women and children… locally in my own community and around the world! I have had personal connections with the founders of these organizations and have seen the passion and hard work that compels each of them to do the sacred work God is calling them to!

She’s Worth It Campaign 2013:
This is really where it all began for me… It was through this experience that God expanded my vision and opened my mind to the possibility that my little offering could truly make a difference in the world. Read my SAY YES story here.
*** Over $10,000 raised to restoration/reintegration projects in Thailand and India

Beauty for Ashes Uganda:
Founder + Friend: Brandi Lea
Beauty for Ashes Uganda works towards long-term sustainable development and deep healing for single moms and widows in the Teso Region of Uganda. We do this through mutually transformative relationships and empowerment that provides resources and tools necessary for change. 1,183 mamas in Uganda are a part of the BFAU family along with their 6,500+ kiddos across 32 villages in 38 women’s cooperatives
***Monthly support of the ongoing work.

Not Abandoned:
Every day the innocent are lured, tricked and forced into the horrific world of sex slavery. Not Abandoned exists to bring freedom, health and opportunity.
***Monthly support of the ongoing work.

Grow Hope Foundation:
Founder + Friend: Kim Taylor
Currently the team in Uganda runs a number of different projects. Our social worker Sharon works with the women of the community teaching them valuable skills to create an income, as well as tutors the children in our local school. She oversees programs like the tailoring classes where women learn to sew on machines in hopes of doing sewing for an income. We host ongoing workshops to teach sanitation, hygiene and nutrition and people come from all over Uganda to take part. We have an extensive farming program which provides sustainability for our program. We grow numerous crops which are sold to the community and at the local market which brings money back to Tusubira Village to continue the work we do.
*** Monthly support of the ongoing work at Tusubira Village in Uganda.

Royal Family Kids Camp
Local Camp Coordinator + Friend: Carolyn Winter

I had the joy of coordinating the craft area for two years at our local camp and seeing the life changing work that happens during this special week for these precious and vulnerable kids.
The primary purpose of Royal Family KIDS Camp is to give foster children ages 6-12 a week of positive memories and royal treatment in a Christian Camp environment.
*** Jewelry designs to raise funds for our local camp and donated jewelry and printed designs.

Flourish Through the Word Ministries:
Founder + Friend: Marjie Schaefer
Flourish Through the Word was founded by my daer friend Marjie Schaefer. Her passion is to encourage women to dig into God’s word and come together in community. I have been a witness to God growing her ministry form 8 women to over 300!
*** Ongoing donations to support the needs of the ministry.

Tammy’s Totes of Hope
Help fellow cancer warriors endure the physical and mental effects of cancer treatment and not feel alone in their fight by providing comfort supplies while they undergo treatment.
*** Inspirational jewelry + inspirational print included in totes.

Special Delivery:
Ministry of Overlake Christian Church
A dynamic housing program and community for pregnant women transitioning out of homelessness. The vision at Special Delivery is to provide a safe community where holistic healing and connection are possible. By creating a place where women can explore and embrace their unique stories as part of a sacred journey, to create sustainable, thriving lives for their families.
*** Donations of funds as well as jewelry for the residents.